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A walk around Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Hiking: Rychnov nad Kněžnou and surroundings (3 km)
Starting point: Rychnov nad Kněžnou, square
![Rychnovem nad Kněžnou](/assets/orlicke-hory/aktivni-dovolena/turistika/RR-CR-OH-kolowratsky-zamek-3_4.jpg)
Route: Rychnov nad Kněžnou, square - chateau of the Kolowrat family - kostel Nejsvětější Trojice (Church of the Holy Trinity) – bell tower - brewery – Kněžné waterfront - kostel sv. Havla (Church of St. Havel) – square - Synagogue and Jewish museum of Podorlicko /3 km/
Short description:
Along the way you will see the most interesting locations in Rychnov nad Kněžnou. The chateau of the Kolowrat family, together with the frontispiece of the Church of the Holy Trinity is one of the largest and most beautiful Baroque complexes in Bohemia. In addition to religious services, the church is also the scene of classical music concerts and choral singing as well as a venue for the events of the Organ Festival of Orlice Region. Also, the bell tower with the third largest bell in Bohemia called Kryštof (Christopher) is one of the city´s major cultural landmarks. The Jewish synagogue is now newly restored and used as a memorial to the writer Karel Poláček, who was born in the city of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, lived there and dedicated the majority of his works to this place.
Points of interest:
- chateau of the Kolowrat family,
- Chruch Nejsvětější trojice (Church of the Holy Trinity),
- bell tower,
- brewery,
- Kněžné waterfront (memorial and bust of F. M. Pelcl),
- Synagogue and Jewish museum of Podorlicko,
- Church sv. Havla (Church of St. Havel)
Difficulty: This trail is easy and is suitable for families with children.