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Small walking circuit around Jičín
Hiking: Valdštejnovo náměstí (square) – Libosad – Valdice - Bílý Mlýn – Valdštejnovo náměstí (square) (9 km)
Starting point: Jičín, Valdštejnovo náměstí (square)
Route: Valdštejnovo náměstí (square) – red marked hiking trail, Libosad, Valdice – blue marked hiking trail, Pod Zebínem, Bílý Mlýn-Kbelnice, Čeřovka, Valdštejnovo náměstí (square) /9 km/
Short description:
A walking circuit taking visitors to the most interesting places in the fairytale city of Jičín.
Points of interest:
- Valdštejn Palace,
- Renaissance and Baroque burgher houses on Valdštejn Square,
- the Marian Column on Valdštejn Square,
- the Jewish Synagogue,
- Valdice Gate,
- Libosad,
- Valdštejn Loggia,
- the former Carthusian Monastery in Valdice,
- Zebín Peak,
- the Čeřovka lookout tower
Difficulty: The route is undemanding and relaxed with the possibility of a more demanding ascent to Zebín Peak.