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Museums and galleries in Orlické Mountains and Podorlicko Lowlands
Museums in the Orlické Mountains offer a variety of attractions.
Deštné v Orlických horách – Museum of Tourism, Winter Sports, and Crafts
A national art and history exhibition in the town of Deštné v Orlických horách captures the period of the turn of the 20th century and includes an exhibition of the glass industry history.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-muzeum-Dobruska-04_2.jpg)
Dobruška – Municipal Museum
Birthplace of national revivalist, writer, and composer František Vladislav Hek (the main character of Jirásek´s novel F. L. Věk) in Dobruška; the other exhibitions are dedicated to Jews living in Dobruška and to the Renaissance town hall.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-javornice-pamatnik-sedlackovych_2.jpg)
Javornice v Orlických horách – Památník Marie a Vojtěcha Sedláčkových
Ateliér a byt obou umělců v Javornici v Orlických horách. Výtvarné dílo Vojtěcha Sedláčka, krajky Marie Sedláčkové - Serbouskové a expozice věnovaná malíři Josefu Korejzovi Blatinskému.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-muzeum-Melcany-01_2.jpg)
Mělčany – Muzeum stabilních motorů
V současnosti vlastní muzeum v Mělčanech u Dobrušky 94 veteránů stabilních a parních motorů české, německé i anglické provenience, z toho 20 provozuschopných.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-Rychnov-muzeum-a-galerie-OH_2.jpg)
Rychnov nad Kněžnou – Museum and Gallery in Rychnov nad Kněžnou
This seemingly small museum manages highly appealing exhibitions. Permanent exhibits include an exhibition For Sugar – For Coffee – Weaving in the Orlické Mountains, an exhibit of paintings by Jan Trampota. The life and works of sculptor Karel Hladík are displayed at the Hladík Hall exhibition and an ornithological collection is to be found in Karel Plachetka Memorial.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-rk-muzeum-hracek-01_2.jpg)
Rychnov nad Kněžnou – Toy Museum
The museum is located at the former town hall in Rychnov nad Kněžnou and its collection provide an idea of what children used to play with in the 19th and the 1st half of the 20th century. The museum boasts a school area with a historical desk where children can try how people used to write.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/muzea-OH-Rychnov-synagoga_1__2.jpg)
Rychnov nad Kněžnou – Karel Poláček Memorial
The memorial to writer Karel Poláček and the Museum of Judaism in the Orlické Mountains are at the former synagogue in Rychnov nad Kněžnou.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-Skuhrov-01_2.jpg)
Skuhrov nad Bělou – Ironworks Museum
The exhibition installed in the second oldest building of the village of Skuhrov nad Bělou documents the development of iron production in this part of the Orlické Mountais.
Uhřínov – Villa Nova Medieval Outdoor Folk Museum
The Villa Nova outdoor folk museum in the town of Uhřínov describes a medieval colonization village. It comprises two residential buildings, a forge, a potter area with ovens, a grease oven, and several farm structures. The buildings are constructed respecting the experimental archaeology principles.
![Muzea a galerie Orlických hor a Podorlicka](/assets/orlicke-hory/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-OH-muzeum-krajky-03_2.jpg)
Vamberk – Lace Museum
The rich collections enable the museum to present the Czech lace tradition at a unique exhibition, introducing visitors to the development of the Czech lace since the beginning of the 18th century.