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Museums and galleries in the Kladsko Borderlands
Museums of Kladsko Borderland are connected mainly with important personalities of Czech national life - B. Němcová, A. Jirásek, the Čapek brothers.
Adršpach – Minimuseum
Adršpach – history of the village, climbing history, a collection of historical objects.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-muzeum-Broumov-04_2.jpg)
Broumov – Broumov Region Museum
The Broumov Region Museum depicts the cultural history of the monastery, town, and villages of the former Benedictine monastery domain.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-muzeum-Bozeny-Nemcove_2.jpg)
Česká Skalice – Museum of Božena Němcová
The main exhibition is devoted to the life and work of writer Božena Němcová. The museum includes other places at the Kladské Borderland connected to the life of the author of the famous book Babička.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-textilni-muzeum_2.jpg)
Česká Skalice – TIBA Textile Museum
The only Czech museum specialized in the history of textile manufactures is in Česká Skalice.
Hronov – Museum of Alois Jirásek
An exhibition dedicated to the personality of Alois Jirásek is located in his birth house from the 18th century. The second exhibition on the history and ethnography of Hronov region is located in the Jirásek´s theatre (Jiráskovo divadlo).
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-mestske-muzeum-Jaromer-02_2.jpg)
Jaroměř – Municipal Museum
The Jaroměř Museum offers two main exhibitions: the first, dedicated to the town´s history is the Wenke House in Jaroměř, while the other on the Josefov imperial fort is at the Josefov town hall.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-zeleznicni-vytopna-01_2.jpg)
Jaroměř – Railway Museum
An original steam engine house, which is over a hundred years old, commemorates the times when steam ruled the railway.
Jaroměř - Josefov – The First Military-History Museum of M. Frost, Jaroměr - Josefov
The museum depicts the history of the Austro-Hungarian army, events of the First World War, Czechoslovak legionnaires, the course of the Second World War, the Communist purges and normalization, the history of the Korean and Vietnam War, and others.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-muzeum-Svatonovice-01_2.jpg)
Malé Svatoňovice – Čapek Brothers Museum
A museum depicting the life and work of the Čapek brothers in the village of Malé Svatoňovice consists of two separate exhibitions. While the ground floor houses Karel Čapek exposition, the first floor is dedicated to Josef Čapek.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-galerie-Nachod-10_1.bmp)
Náchod – Fine Arts Gallery in Náchod
The gallery presents in even-number years the works of Czech painting by extensive retrospectives. In odd-number years it presents a unique collection of Russian painting from the 19th to the 20th century. The collection is constantly expanding and collects also the icons from the 17th to the 20th century.
Náchod – Regional Museum
The museum manages Dobrošov, an unfinished artillery fortress dating to a period before the Second World War, and two originally municipal museums – Memorial of the Town of Police nad Metují dedicated to the town´s history and the Jirásek Museum in Hronov, devoted to the personality and work of writer Alois Jirásek.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-Nove-Mesto-galerie-Zazvorka-03_2.jpg)
Nové Město nad Metují – Zázvorka Gallery
The gallery is in Nové Město nad Metují and the exhibition is dedicated to regional painters, but includes also a burgher crèche carved by Jarmila Haldová. There is an interesting view of the surroundings from the shot towers of the Zázvorka Gallery.
Nové Město nad Metují – Municipal Museum
Museum introducing the town´s history, guilds, crafts, the region´s nature, the attire of our ancestors, etc.
Police nad Metují – Municipal Museum
The museum at the monastery offers insight into chapters of the Police nad Metují region history. Visitors can view historical furniture or the interior of a Benedictine chapel.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-Merkur-02_2.jpg)
Police nad Metují – Museum of the MERKUR Building Set
Specialized museum in Police nad Metují is dedicated to the history of the MERKUR building set and the MERKUR electrical toy trains. It collects historical items related to the origin of the building set. The tour culminates with the possibility to build your own MERKUR building to your liking.
Rtyně v Podkrkonoší – Municipality Museum
The museum features three permanent exhibitions: an ethnographic one, an exhibition of a peasant uprising of 1775, and a unique exhibition of 400 years of coal mining.
Šestajovice – Motogallery "in the Corner"
The Motorbike Museum in the village of Šestajovice near Jaroměř houses a permanent exhibition of more than 50 Czech motorbikes.
![Muzea a galerie v Kladském pomezí](/assets/kladske-pomezi/priroda-pamatky/RR-CR-KP-hvezdarna-Upice-01_2.jpg)
Úpice – Observatory
The observatory offers to general public night sky observation and during the day, observation of Sun accompanied with an expert interpretation. In case of an exceptional or particularly interesting phenomena in the sky observatory organizes special events and adapts to it its opening hours.
Úpice – Municipal Museum and Gallery of Julie Winterová - Mezerová
Permanent exhibition in the town of Úpice is dedicated to academic painter J. Winterová – Mezerová, to the history of the town and the Vízmburk Castle.
Úpice - Radeč – Museum of Agriculture
The former dairy farm houses a collection of agricultural technology used by our ancestors – rimmed wagons, seeders, mowers, ploughs, hook ploughs, grubbers, threshing machines, rough-grinding mills, tools, driving engines, and other machinery. Museum tour upon prior arrangement made at the association´s address.
Velké Svatoňovice – Museum of Historical Fire Extinguishing Technology
The museum in the village of Velké Svatoňovice tells about when the first fire engine was manufactured, since when fire hoses have been in use, and many other interesting facts from fire brigade history.
Muzeum Mlýn Dřevíček
Rtyně - městské muzeum
Hronov - Jiráskovo muzeum
Hronov - Jiráskovo muzeum
Police n.M. - městské muzeum
Jaroměř - železniční výtopna
Č.Skalice - muzeum B.Němcové
Č.Skalice - textilní muzeum
M.Svatoňovice - muzeum bří Čapků
Nové Město n.M.- městské muzeum
Nové Město n.M.- galerie Zázvorka
Nové Město n.M.- galerie Zázvorka
Náchod - regionální muzeum
Šestajovice - motogalerie
Jaroměř - městské muzeum
Jaroměř - městské muzeum
Police n.M. - muzeum Merkur
Police n.M. - muzeum Merkur
Úpice - hvězdárna
Náchod - galerie výtvarného umění
Náchod - galerie výtvarného umění
Úpice - městské muzeum
Jaroměř - vojenské muzeum
Jaroměř - vojenské muzeum
Č.Skalice - textilní muzeum
Muzeum Broumovska
Č.Skalice - muzeum B.Němcové
Č.Skalice - muzeum B. Němcové